Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Not only is day the infamous, or perhaps famous if you like math, Pi Day; it is also my Mom's birthday!!!! Generally, I really dread this day. Have for the last 6 times or so. But this time around, it's not bad at all. I'm actually happy and celebrating. But not just putting on a show like I usually do. It's legit this time. Pretty awesome. And of course today wouldn't be complete w/out a bunch of M and M's, which I intend to buy soon! And I'm eating lunch w/ the coolest person in the world, so it's a beautiful day. If only the weather were nicer. But I can't complain tooo much b/c weather aside, it's a beautiful day and life IS good.

I surprised myself this morning. I was dead tired this morning and didn't want to go to class or do my homework or anything of that sort. But I went to BOTH classes and did and turned in my homework. Man I'm a good student! Haha. : ) I was pretty pleased w/ myself. Take what I can get. And today is payday so that always makes things MUCH nicer. I like money. Then again, who doesn't? Although apparently having too much money is now one of the deadly sins, or so some new catholic guy has stated from the Vatican. But I doubt I'll ever have to worry about that, and in contrast to that man, I'm pretty sure having lots of money is alright so long as you got it legally and pay your tithing on it. Just my opinion though.

And one more exciting thing! I'm wearing my Jelly Belly shirt today!!! It was hiding in the bottom of my laundry hamper, so I didn't see it for a long time. But I found it today! So I decided to wear it and that makes me super excited! I Love this shirt, it's just so darn happy! Hooray!

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