Saturday, September 12, 2009

Purple Staples: Gotta love the simple things

So I keep having to go to the library for the sole purpose of stapling my homework. I don't have a little mini staple in my back pack...which are super convenient. So today, I needed to get some other school supplies and such, so I went to the stapler aisle. Okay, they don't have their own aisle, but they do have a pretty decent selection. So I perused over all the choices and I found a blue swingline that was the perfect size for my backpack! I almost bought an XActo brand stapler, but I couldn't do it. I had to buy a Swingline. Anyone who has ever seen Office Space will understand. Now, I have my little light blue stapler and I came home and opened it up to put the staples that came w/ it inside of it. And much to my surprise, the staples that came w/ it are purple!!!!! It's awesome! I was expecting the regular ones, but instead they were colorful!! It was way cool. So they pretty much make me happy when I see them. It's the Simple things in life that seem to make you happy, like colorful staples. Happy Day!

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