Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I got engaged to the bestest girl EVER!!!

So I've been promising this post for quite some time now, and so I'm finally going to deliver. I know some people have been waiting patiently for me to write this, so here goes!
It was a beautiful Friday morning in Bountiful and I woke up before the roosters began to crow (7:00 if you must know) and it was time to finish packing and head on the way down to Cedar City...with a stop in Provo. So I made sure I had everything that I would need:
Fancy Lingonberry Apple Drink....check!
Fancy cups.....check!
Picnic Basket.....check!
Raspberry Milano cookies....check!
Black Baccara Roses (50 of them)....check! (impossible to find online by the way)
The RING....check! (whew, that was a close one...)
With everything in hand that I could gather from that locale, it was off to the land of Provo!

An hour or so driving and we ended up at Aunt Dianes house to pick up some much need items for this magical day. Hmmm....what do I need:
Battery operated candles....check!
Now I have everything that I need to pull off the most amazing feat in my life. Well, almost everything. So then I had to check into my new apartment, not that exciting. So I did that and then it was time to head to Cedar City! woot woot!
......3 hours later......
Upon arriving in Cedar City we needed to find the park where I was going to perform my magic. It would have been really easy if I had the foresight to print off a map, but I didn't. So we drove around a neighborhood looking for a network we could connect to so that we could google maps this place. Of course, we found an unsecure network and found directions to the park. Now at the park, it was time to select a location. There were some nice grassy areas, a pavilion, and a playground. And I think you can all guess which of these I chose: The playground!

There was a nice open area at the top of one of the slide on the top of the playground equipment that would be perfect for a picnic. So now it's all ready...almost. Still need to get some food. So I get dropped off on SUU campus to meet Kristin while Michael and Michelle go pick up some KFC and then go to the park to set it all up.

Upon being reunited w/ the love of my life at the library, we started to walk towards the park. As we got closer to the park I called Michael to see if they had it all set up...and they hadn't as of yet, so we had to improvise and walk a little farther. Ironically though, the path I was taking to waste time went right by the park! Oh no! So, thinking quickly I start talking to Kristin and pointing to the red mountains in Cedar City....which were the opposite direction of the park. So as we were distracted by the red mountains, we safely passed the park w/out anything getting
spoiled. (Another close call) Then we walked some more and Michael said that is was ready. And now, the big moment!

So we walk into the park, and we see the playground equipment. Haha, Kristin knows exactly where I'm going w/ all of this. So then we climb some plastic rock thingy to get to the lovely picnic area. I could explain it all, but I think the pictures at the top do a much better job explaining than I do.

Then I didn't really feel like wasting any time, and I didn't want to propose after we had eaten KFC and had greasy hands. So I got down on one knee, held out the ring, and said the magic words "Kristin, will you marry me?" To which she of course said yes. (who could say no to such a handsome devil such as myself???) And that my friends is the wonderful story of how Brad became engaged to Kristin. :) <3