Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Sunday Sunday Guitar Hero

So I officially suck at Guitar Hero. For all of you who were wondering about that. If you ever need to feel better about yourself, just play Guitar Hero w/ me and you'll feel like a king. That aside, life is pretty good. I went to the temple for the first time since I've been home and it was quite a grand experience. I should really go there more often. It's not like it's even all that far away. I mean, intstitute is a longer drive. And I've seen a lot of blessings in my life in the last few days, which probably have a lot to do w/ temple attendance. It's remarkable how if we do what we're told to do and promised blessings for doing so, that we actually get those blessings! What a novel concept. Guess that's what Faith is all about. Haha, and I've always thought faith was one of my stronger attributes, but apparently not. I have great Faith in a lot of things, but I guess I don't in others, I pick and choose. And that's not really faith, that's convenience. Just happens to be the question in CLA quiz in PMG are things that I have a lot of Faith in, so that test isn't a very good measure. Then again, that test did show me that Charity is what I lack the most. Which really sucks b/c Paul says we can do the most amazing things ever, but if we don't have charity, then we're nothing. So it's def. important and worth giving attention to, at some point. The scriptures say to not procrastinate the day of our repentance, but what about procrastinating the day of our charity? I'm sure that's a bad thing too, but it's the easy way to do things. Laziness is the mother of invention afterall. Though I don't think you can invent your salvation, so laziness probably doesn't serve us to well in that respect. But that's life I guess. Live and learn. Come what may, and Love it.

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