Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ward Prom

So my ward decided to have a so called Ward Prom. All the single dudes and all the single ladies signed up on separate lists and then they randomly paired us. Then all the guys had to call up their girls and set it up and all that fancy jazz. Now this is not really an activity that I usually go for, or like all that much. But since I signed up to go, I was gonna go all the way. I called up ma girl and got her dress color and got a spiffy vest and tie to match her dress and a beautiful corsage...which also matched her dress. I'm fairly certain she was the only one with a corsage at this event. I would have thought that someone else would have; they did call it a prom after all. Oh well, at least she felt super special, as she should.

Me and Hannah

It started off with a dinner thingy. They had Hawaiian haystacks. I'm not usually a fan of them, but these were pretty good. My usual complaint is that people like to use cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup. They only used cream of chicken. No mushrooms: yay!!!! And it wasn't that whole sweet and sour bit either. Sometimes they make it with a sweet and sour sauce or something, not a fan of that either. So they actually made it in a way that I liked! Woohoo! I ate some salad too b/c I wanted to feel like I was a healthy person. But I made up for that by eating extra dessert. I'm not quite sure what I ate for dessert, but they were sure delicious. The whole place was decorated like Alice in Wonderland. That movie has always creeped me out. I'm not the biggest fan of that as a theme, especially since they had a HUGE Cheshire Cat which was just downright scary. And after dinner, they of course had the DANCE.

Pretty corsage!

I've never been the biggest fan of dances. Mostly I just don't like to get started. Once I've started dancing and such, it's all good. But it takes a lot to get me started and to get out there. But the girl I was with would have nothing of that sort and made me get out there and I did. All night long. So for those of you wanting me to be social and all that jazz, congratulations, I was. And they even had dance cards for all the slow songs, it was pretty funny. So I got my dance card filled. It was a fun little adventure. That's pretty much that.
Us again. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6 months to sexy

In the mission field, most missionaries spent the first 18 months letting themselves go and adding lots of weight and then spent the last 6 months working out so they could be in shape. You don't need to be in shape when you can't date, but you sure do when you're back home. And that program is internationally dubbed as the Six Months to Sexy program. We've decided to do that now, mostly b/c Michael wants to get in shape for the Navy or something crazy like that. So I decided I would too. It's really just sit ups and push ups, but it hurts...a lot. But that's supposed to be good. Oh boy, bring it on. It's also a good way for me to gain some weight. I really need to gain a bunch of weight, so hopefully this will bring me up to a healthy weight. Also being in shape might make healthier and I'll do pretty much anything to avoid the hospital, haha.

In other news, I am presenting at the Utah Conference for Undergraduate Research again this year. But this year I will be healthy enough to give it! Last year I was selected to present but was sick and missed it. So it will be nice to actually get to do it this time. I finished making my presentation today and it looks AWESOME! It's gonna be great. I am the first presenter of the day though, so that will be interesting, haha. I've had to discontinue from classes this semester b/c I've been so sick. Just once I'd like to be healthy for an entire semester. That would be super awesome.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I got a rubber ducky cake pan for Christmas (it was on the top of my list) and I finally felt good enough to use it! So I bought a lovely spice cake (I'm not a big fan of spice cake by I let my roommate choose the flavor) and I made a super duper cake. I had some help from a girl from back home with the frosting. I'm not very patient when it comes to frosting, haha. But I did color the frosting all by myself to get the super bestest colors for the cake. Here's the awesome pics.

From the Top!

Awwwww....It's so beautiful!

Look at those two studs! :)

 My piece!

I also treated myself to a marvelous steak dinner! The steaks marinated for about 3 days and I grilled some fresh pineapple! It was soooooooooo delicious and awesome. It's alright to be jealous.

That's right. I eat in style!