Saturday, September 11, 2010

School, reserach and fun adventures!

So school has started up once again. I did go to classes in the Spring and Summer, but the Fall is always a lot different than spring/summer. I had 16 credits, but then realized it was too much, so I dropped a class and now I have 13 and my life is good. :) I must say that I am very happy to be starting the Junior core classes for Chemical Engineering. It finally feels like I'm going somewhere in my major. So that's always nice. Though it does mean that the classes are much harder, haha. But I chose this major knowing that it was brutal, so I guess I can't complain.

Research has been a big thing this spring/summer and it continues to be so in the Fall. I am currently working on 4 projects: one for a PhD candidate (which I am a coauthor on for a presentation at the national conference for Chemical Engineering), one for a private company we work with, and two that I am lead researcher on. So that's pretty exciting. It's nice to have my own projects. :) Publish or perish right? Actually, I'm really just banking on publications to get me into grad school b/c my grades won't be anything spectacular. And speaking of research, we did have some fun with some leftover dry ice the other day. By we I mean Michael and myself. Here's a fun video from that adventure.

And now on to the marvelous adventures!!!! Okay, well the only adventures I really have are to the football game and occasionally I fry me some homemade tortilla chips. So here are some pictures of those fun times. :)
This is a little guy I made out play dough. It was supposed to be a dinosaur, but it looks a lot more like some sorta pokemon. So that's what it is, I invented a new species of Pokemon. Haha.

Yummy delicious fried chips with a queso bean dip. I use muenster cheese in the dip. Not a traditional cheese for Mexican food, but it's what I had.

During the football game! We had great seats! We were in the 20th row from the field!!!! And of course BYU won this game and we are now in the top 25. :)


Pregame marching band fun times!!! With the way the Senior courses are scheduled for ChemE I think I may try out for the marching band next year! :)

So that is all the fun and super marvelous things that are going on in my life right now. Life IS good.

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