Sunday, May 10, 2009

Killer Bunnies...and the quest for the magic carrot

So I was going to the store the other day to pick up another controller for the Wii so that I could race people in MarioKart and I ran across the game Killer Bunnies. I had seen it before and it always looked pretty interesting, but now I actually had the moneys to buy it! So of course, I did. And it's much more exciting when you open the box and figure out how to play and read the funny cards and such. So basically I'm way excited to play it...though I need more people. Technically you can play it w/ two people, but that seems pretty lame. I need to find a bigger group. On another note, I need to cut my hair. It's getting incredibly long...well, for my current lifestyle anyhow. Haha, this used to be pretty short. But alas, I'm no longer the long haired boy I used to be....missions can do that to you. Oh, and I think more people should follow this blog! Sheri is the only one that is "following" it, so Props to her. Everyone else, get on board! Church at 1 is usually a really nice thing...when I wake up at like noon. But when you wake up at 10, it makes your morning rather boring. Not enough time to really do anything, which is probably why I'm usually sleeping then. Though I think I may start going to the singles ward now that there's more people. Perhaps next week. I need to pay my tithing this week and I don't want to get behind at all. I'm not a fan of paying two paychecks at once, I prefer to pay it every paycheck. So switching now would really throw off my groove. Probably next week. I'm kinda hungry, maybe I should go eat. That's a good use of time before church right? Right. Peace out peeps. Speaking of peeps, I need to do something w/ mine from Easter....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a Monty Python game. You should have four kids, then you'll have PLENTY to do before church!
