Friday, May 30, 2008

Swedish Fish and the testing Center

So apparently I don't know how to use the interweb and all it's amazing features. I managed to read the testing center hours wrong...that sucked. Thank goodness my teacher is letting me take it anyhow, but that really sucked. I've never been the biggest fan of the testing center, then again, who is? But I've never missed an entire test there before. That's just crazy. And why they close at 4 on a FRIDAY is beyond me. What about the people who have classes and such on Fridays?? Seems kinda dumb to me, but I don't make that call. Oh well, enough about that. I got some Swedish Fish today. I needed something to calm me down when I was unsure if I would be able to take my test or not. Haha, sometimes Prozac just isn't enough. Thank goodness for Swedish Fish and TV. They have a lot more sugar in them than I remember. I haven't eaten them in forever. Sad day, I know. But I finally got some! So that was super amazing, and I really don't mind the fact that it's all sugary. It's quite nice really. No wonder they are my favorite candy! So now I don't have much to do w/ my time. I have some homework but that's really about all I have to do. I guess that's what happens when you don't really have any balance in your life. When all your life is school, and then you don't have it b/c it's the weekend, it's hard to find something to do. Oh well, that's probably why the TV was invented. And I have some really good food to eat for dinner. I got some steaks when I was up in Bountiful and they are quite delicious and I am very excited to eat them! Oh boy!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

California Ventura

So I started doing most of my medical and dental stuff for my mission papers in May 2007. I had them into Salt Lake City by July. Then I got the magic happy pill Prozac, and with that, a six month wait on my papers. But now, I FINALLY have my call!!! w00t w00t! As the title indicates, I am going to be serving in the California Ventura Mission. For those of you not familiar with California, that is just north of Los Angeles. So that's really super exciting!! I've been waiting since forever for this come and it finally has! Pretty much made my weekend! I report to the MTC on August 6th, 2008. Which means I'll get back on August 6th, 2010. Which is nice because that will be before fall semester 2010. So it should fit right in with classes and such when I get back. So basically, my life is pretty much amazing right now. It's about time. : )