Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall 2011

Guess what??? It's still Fall in Utah...there's no snow on my ground. It's kinda fweakin me out, okay? Haha. I haven't written on here in forever. So time for updates! Marching band is going's one of only two classes that I've been able to stay in this semester. And why is that? Because of 4 or 5 trips to the hospital this semester alone. And did the BRILLIANT doctors figure anything out? Of course not. They'd rather just pass it off as idiopathic and find a new patient that they can figure out to make themselves feel like Gods once again. Sorry to bring them down a notch from their lofty status. That's really been the story this Fall though; bein sick and then recovering from bein sick. It's pretty lames.

In other news: The Cardinals won the World Series since my last post! That was amazing! But they're super awesome, so it's not too surprising that they won their 11th Championship. It is sad to see Tony La Russa retire, but he had a very long, very good career; so good for him. I am still waiting for my Championship t-shirt though. That darn thing is taking forever and a day to ship to me! I wanna celebrate my boys with an awesome shirt. Why is that too much to ask for????

Additionally, I am running a 10K on Thanksgiving. Thank goodness it's in the morning. Should make me even hungrier for yummy delicious thanksgiving pigging out. I love gluttonous holidays, haha. But I am doing some exercise and I REALLY need to gain some weight. So hopefully thanksgiving will add a few pounds to my slim physique. ...and then add a few more for good measure. These things are more fun with pictures, but I don't think I've taken any recently. I'll look for something.

This one is for Michael. Hope it helps!!! :)

And this one might just be the happiest picture you'll ever see. So enjoy!

That's it for now. I hope have enjoyed your stay on my blog. Feel free to read other posts and listen to the marvelous music. I really should be better about posting on here....and taking more pictures of stuff. We'll see how that goes, haha. :)