Monday, August 15, 2011

Never get sick in college....

This is Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton Jr. reminding you never to get sick in college.

ChemE courses are hard enough as they are w/out being sick and missing all the lectures....and completing the course 8 months later. I strongly suggest not doing it. It's really hard to motivate yourself in the summer to get much of anything done if you're not taking classes. My days are far from planned and studying is one of those things that is best done...planned. That being said, it's still possible. Though the true test of how possible this really is will be the test I have to take tomorrow. If it's about pumps and turbines, I'm set. If it's about the derivation of some ridiculous equation...forget about it.

On a happier note, the Cardinals won last night, though still 5 games behind the Brewers. Football is once again on TV! w00t w00t! Monday night football FTW. Though I must say it's horrible for studying, haha. Also, the Premier league has started back up, so Soccer is also on. ESPN is now my new home and it's a happy place to live.

Also, Band Camp starts next week. That will be interesting. I should probably start memorizing the music. I should have started that a while ago, but I do much better with memorizing right before...I tend to forget over time, so it would have been useless to start any I had fluids stuff I needed to work on. That should be an exciting adventure for this Fall. I haven't marched since high school. Well, that's not true, I've been a marching and music tech a couple of years. But I haven't been on the field performing since then; should be fun. My Trumpet needs a good cleaning though. It's dirty! I haven't cleaned it in forever, so it could use a nice spa day. :)