Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Surgery and Easters

I have this nasty habit of getting sick. I try oh so hard to avoid and then blam! I'm sick again. This time it was the end of April, around Easter! Though it should also  be noted this was the time that Michael graduated as well. So I ended up missing all of his graduation things b/c I was sick. No bueno. And then I went to the hospital. It's kinda sad b/c I'm quite literally on a first name basis with many of the nurses on that floor. The 7th floor knows me all too well.

After Surgery with my monkey and some oxygen

They cut me!
This trip to the hospital they decided to cut me open and tear some stuff out. They really just took out my gallbladder b/c I keep getting pancreatitis. We're hoping that will solve that problem, but we don't really know for sure. They also removed a few adhesions that were causing some partial obstructions on my small intestine; fun stuff right? Then I spent the next week laying in bed trying to get better and leave that 7th floor. As nice as they are, I don't really like seeing them that often, haha. Easter happened to fall in that period of time, so I spent Easter in the hospital. But no worries, it was still super duper fun! We had an easter egg hunt, and I had my easter basket, and I had bunny ears! David deserves most of the credit for making my easter so epic. It was a marvelously fun day and one of the best Easters I can remember...even if I was in the hospital.

My easter loot! :)
Looking for eggs!
So that was my marvelous Easter. It's alright if you're jealous. :)