Saturday, August 15, 2009

What up w/ me now!

Alright kiddies, I'm sure you've all been waiting for me to post another update on this thingy. And to humor the many fans, I shall give in. So here goes! I don't really have much to say right now...I can't remember what I posted last time. Oh well, that's life. Well, in recent news, I've purchased a shiny thing...well, not purchased. I'm in the process of purchasing. I've made two big payments and have one more left, totally happening next Thursday. BE excited. So if that's not clue enough, and if I haven't told you, obviously there's an amazing chicky-poo in the picture. I'm not sure if I spelled that right, but I just wanted to use that phrase. It's fun!

So sometime in the near ish future I will pop the magic question and girls everywhere will let out a collective sigh as the biggest stud in the land is going off the market. Unless of course you're Kristin, then you'd be excited. And I'm just the lucky guy that managed to get her somehow... :)

So today was a long day at work, but I made 190 dollars; always nice. Though it was the only day I worked this week, not that exciting. And next week is my last week or work. It was a fun job. It pays super well and it's a job! Haha, I didn't even have to apply for it. I applied for like a million jobs and this one just magically fell in my lap. Pretty sweet! (somebody must be living right)

In other news, Dad and I built and awesome wall thingy for a garden in the front of the house. There's totally pictures on facebook so everyone can be jealous. Though don't get any ideas that I'll build one for you at your casa. Well, actually, I probably would. It's kinda fun...when you get past all the frustration of it having to be perfect. I'm not much of a perfectionist, but I guess I can be if I NEED to be, but that's it!

So that's about it for now. Stay fresh.